I had a busy, but good weekend and I've spent a little time tonight catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs. I'm happy to see that I'm still listed on a couple of blogrolls despite the fact that I haven't blogged for 4 MONTHS!
Our college kids were home this weekend and it was nice to spend some time with them. We watched a movie at home Friday night and did some shopping and went out to a movie on Saturday. The girls went to "The King's Speech", which we really liked. The guys went to "True Grit", which they enjoyed as well.
Today we had our annual meeting a church, so I was busy with serving the lunch and DH presided at the meeting. He has finished his term as church president, so whoo-hoo for that! A few less meetings for him to attend.
I don't have any quilt pictures to post although I have been doing a little block making. I haven't completed anything for months with the exception of my block of the month blocks, so I'm a little ashamed of that. It seems like its easy to waste time in the winter and days go by without a lot of productivity going on.
We've had an incredible amount of snow this year and many cold and gray days, so Spring will be very welcome. I hope the next four months go by quickly as well, and no promises, but perhaps a quilt picture will appear in this space. Blessings to you all!!