Sunday, April 19, 2009

Goodbye Picture

Okay, so I removed my picture from my profile again. Thanks for the nice comment about my neck, Janelle. :) I was somewhat horrified to realize that my picture shows up when I make a comment on someone else's blog, so I decided to take it off again. Occasionally my comments might seem a little snarky, so the thought of my picture sitting there beside what I said was just too much. Recently someone actually called me a bully in response to one of my comments. I had dared to say that this previous commentor appeared to have "major issues". It's true that you come across all types if you're on the internet long enough. However, the blogs I read regularly seem to be written by lovely people with lots of great ideas, beautiful pictures, thoughtful commentary, or all of the above. No signs of "major issues". Thanks!
We got some much needed rain last night and today. It seems like everything is greening up over night. TB has another double header tomorrow afternoon and its predicted to be cool, but not rainy by then. We hauled another load of leaves, etc. to the dump yesterday before it started to rain. I can't remember doing so much yard work so early other years, but like I told DH, other years I've been a lot busier driving people around. All of the kids driving themselves where they need to go frees up a lot of my time.

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Oh, I'm sad you took your picture away. could just put it on your sidebar as a know, like right above or below your profile. Then it wouldn't show up on comments.

I know what you mean....there ARE all kind of bloggers and commenters out there. Keeps the online world interesting, I guess.