Here's a few recommendations for a Sunday afternoon. This is going to have to be one of those quick posts since we are going to someone's house for dinner tonight and I have to bring bread and an appetizer, neither of which I've started.
1. Slum Dog Millionaire- We went to see it last night as an outing for DH's birthday which was yesterday. We really enjoyed it, it was eye-opening, had a little humor, and really a great story with a feel-good ending. I saw a little bit of a piece on CBS Sunday Morning that said that is the type of movie that will be successful when times are hard. Everyone wants to see the poor and down-trodden triumph over adversity and maybe bring the high and mighty down a peg in the process.
2. Google Maps Streetview- If you haven't tried it, check it out. I've been using the birds-eye maps for quite awhile, but this is really something. You put in the address of the place you want to see and you are instantly on the street looking at an actual view of the house or building or whatever. I tried it out for the couple's house we are going to tonight. I know that they live on the south side of the street in a dark brown rambler and have a two story next door. I looked up and down the street in both directions, so I will know exactly where I am when I get there. I also checked out my house and my son's college dorm. It's a little creepy in a way, but cool too. Incidentally, it's not available for everywhere.
3. Brownie Pizza- A great substitute for birthday cake and something I make for DH every year. You bake a brownie mix on a pizza pan, when its done sprinkle on mini marshmallows and M&M's and put it back in the oven for a few more minutes. Then drizzle with caramel syrup. You could also add nuts or coconut or other candies, but this is the way we like it best. Yum!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mat Maintenance & More!
13 hours ago