Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Belated Happy Groundhog Day!

There's something I like about Groundhog Day. It's a little strange I know, but I get a little excited about it. DH and I watched the "Groundhog Day" movie last night, it's one of my favorites too. Maybe it has something to do with the feeling that even though we will always have at least 6 more weeks of winter, at least it seems like Spring is getting closer. We had some nicer weather this last weekend with sunshine and temps above freezing for the first time this year. Today, however, it was back to the deep freeze with windchills in the -20 range. Anyway, I'm starting to feel like the worst is over where winter is concerned. I know I've been dwelling on the weather a bit lately, but it has been soooo bad this year that I can't help it.
I decided that it's New Year's resolution update time. I admit that I've failed in all or in part in all of my resolutions. Why do I even bother? Looking back I realized that sewing more wasn't even one of my resolutions. That I've been doing a lot better on. I completed another quilt top this week and just have to add the outer sashing. I promise to post a picture soon.
It was a pretty busy day today with a training at work this morning, my regular hours this afternoon, a school board input session after work and an orchestra concert tonight. At work this afternoon, a little guy I often work with told me I looked sick and asked if I slept well the night before. I admitted I wasn't feeling the greatest and went to check my temp in the nurse's office out of curiosity. I was 100.5, so I took some ibuprofen and I hope I'll be able to fight off whatever it was. I must have looked pretty bad today for a third grader to notice, I'll have to spend a little more time on hair and make-up tomorrow. :)


Cass. Just Curious said...

You did actual paragraphs and actually provided something interesting. You totally made me look bad :-). Hope you're having a great week!

Jeannelle said...

Sorry to hear you're got a bug or something.....hopefully it won't stay around long. And, that's really sweet about the little kid noticing how you looked....he's very perceptive for his age, it would seem.

That's great you're getting lots of sewing projects done, even if they weren't a New Year resolution. Life is what happens when we're making other plans, right.

I'm glad to hear you can see the light at the end of the tunnel of winter, because I can't yet. It would help if this extreme cold would quit coming back to haunt us.