Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer...not lazy or hazy!

I can't believe it's the last day of June and this is one of the first days I haven't had much on my plate. Today is just a regular day of doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking a meal, and making sure everyone gets where they are supposed to be. I've also had time for reading blogs while the washer's going, looking at Facebook, and paying my bills on-line. A good day, and a nice change compared to the rest of our month. June has definitely been a month of ups and downs, crazy schedules, and a lot of work, little of it paid. When I've been an absent blogger for a week, I tend to do the asterisked checklist of what I've been doing. That might be a little hard for a month, but I'll give it a try (mostly for my own use as a journal) and then I promise to get back to what I hope might stand a chance of being an interesting blog.
*Graduation- SD made it through with flying colors
*Last day of school- I was so ready!
*Baseball games sprinkled throughout the month- Ups and downs there also, but mostly good although I've had to miss a few games.
*College orientation- SD got registered for fall classes and stayed overnight on campus.
*Brief "vacation"- While SD had orientation, I hung out with CS, slept on a cot at his house. We went to see "Up" which I loved, went to eat at an outdoor restaurant, and enjoyed part of the riverwalk in Minneapolis on a perfect MN evening. It was a nice break even though it made preparing for the
*graduation party a little more hectic. The party went well, the weather was still great, and we had a pretty good turn out.
*SD had her 18th birthday the day after her party. We didn't do much, but had a nice dinner and ate leftover graduation cake.
*Our "rent to own gone bad" people moved into another house leaving us with a house and no renter. We were fortunate to find new renters in a short time, but have practically killed ourselves getting the place cleaned and repaired. A learning experience.
*DH's parents both broke their hips in separate incidents on the same day and both had surgery the next day which happened to be their 62nd wedding anniversary. We spent one weekend at the hospital, they've moved to a nursing home now and are slowly recovering.
*My mom is still in a nursing home recovering from her broken neck, hopes to get home soon.
*Nephew's wedding in Iowa- was the shortest wedding in history, but it was nice and all of the cousins were there. On our way home from the wedding, we visited both nursing homes to see our parents.
Now sprinkle in a few car repairs, a sibling relationship that is difficult(mine), a poor financial outlook, I've had just a tiny bit of stress. It's funny how I've just been too busy to notice, but I'm tired and I hope to have some time to recoup before I start working at summer school next week. I'm thankful that my back has been somewhat better and none of us have had any health issues at least. Hopefully July will be a better and easier month and I hope to get back to blogging on a regular basis. Thanks for listening!!


Jeannelle said...

Goodness, Nancy...is that true about your in-laws breaking their hips on the same day! How odd...and very unfortunate. I pray they heal up ok, and that your mom continues to recuperate well.

Sounds like the wedding trip was interesting and eventful. You have to do the best you can under all circumstances.

Jeannelle said...

Forgot to say....lovely flower photo you posted, too! I'm not sure what it is....is it a geranium of some sort?

Nancy said...

I think the flower is called dead nettle. I have three different varieties, yellow, pink, and purple that look very much the same. I had to look it up in a book, so I'm not 100% sure they are the same name.