Monday, November 10, 2008


I chipped my front tooth today. I originally chipped it on a fork at Olive Garden, had it repaired, it fell off again, had it repaired. This will be the third time. I chipped it while blowing my whistle at some naughty kids at recess. Having a decent sense of humor, I do realize it's funny. Even the girl at the dentist laughed when I told her how I did it. I'm just afraid they'll want to do a veneer this time. Not exactly what I wanted for Christmas!


Jeannelle said...

Oh, my....that's too bad, but as you said, kind of funny how it happened. Hopefully, the fixing won't be too complicated.

Several years ago, I tripped on ears of corn and fell face down on cement, breaking one front tooth halfway off and cracking the other. Had to have a root canal on the broken one, and then the dentist built it back so the break wasn't even noticeable. Amazing what can be done nowadays. Hope yours goes well!

Nancy said...

Ouch!!! My trip to the dentist went well, the repair looks good and it wasn't too painful. I hope it will last longer this time.