Thursday, September 3, 2009

Still in a slump

I'm obviously still in a bit of a blogging slump. It's not that there hasn't been anything going on, just that I haven't been able to put into words or pictures anything that seems remotely interesting even to me, my most faithful reader. In the past week we've moved our kids around, gotten the older two settled at college. SD (senior daughter) is now officially CG (college girl). I like that better than college daughter, it has a bit of a super hero ring to it. I'm sure she'll be fine and do great, but there's still that part of me that's sad. I've gotten used to it with CS, but it's hard to have one leave the nest. I'll miss our chats in her room, having a shopping buddy, and hearing about all the everyday things of her life. I told DH that I'd try not to dwell on the sadness, feeling like I've been a terrible parent, and if it weren't for the fact that they're turning out so great, that would be hard to do. Thank goodness for Facebook chat, something I'd recommend for any parent of a college student. Even when they don't have time for a regular phone conversation, we can chat a few sentences, and get by until we can talk.
We've had our back to school meetings at work and I helped at meet the teacher at school last night. It was great to see the kids and their parents. There are always some older siblings there too and it's fun to see how they've changed. I did find last night though, that it's getting harder to remember names after a 3 month break. It was so irritating to see kids that I know so well and not to be able to think of their names immediately. Yet another sign that I'm getting older and the brain isn't working as well I guess.
After the busyness with getting things ready for college kids, I haven't accomplished much around the house. Painting projects left unfinished, quilting projects untouched, yard work not done, etc. How depressing! I'm looking at the start of the school year as a time for a new start in a lot of ways. Better sleep habits, more accomplished at home, eating better and exercising, Bible study and devotions, etc. Hopefully I'll do better than I did on the New Year's resolutions.
I promise better posts to come, I have quilt work that I have to do for my class, TB's football games to attend, flowers ready to bloom, etc. so check back for some pictures and more cheery postings. TTFN!


Mrs Quilty said...

Hey Nancy, it's ok! Slumps happen! I'm kinda in one too....we'll get over it! In time! I think it's the change of weather and whatever else...and of course, you have an empty nest, for heaven's sake, that's an adjustment. So give yourself a break, live it, and in time, it'll blow over! I promise! I'm here for ya!

Dave said...

Blogs are inherently subject to slowdowns. Feed readers fixed all that. I have some people I follow that haven't posted in months ... then, they post and it's like it's all new. Big gaps are actually good. As long as you resist looking at stats.