Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Sewing So and So

I've been doing so actual sewing, seamstress kind of sewing, the last couple of days. When I got my new sewing machine, I convinced my daughter to let me make her homecoming dress. How hard could it be, right? Nevermind that I haven't made any clothing other than pajama pants in the last 15 or so years. I'm coming along okay on the dress, but its made out of slippery fabric, so that has added to the challenge. I'm used to working with quilting fabric and this stuff wants to go everywhere. The hem is a little wonky, I'm hoping she won't notice. What I have left is doing a fitting on my daughter, adjusting if necessary, and putting in a ZIPPER. What the &*(^#@ was I thinking? The class for my machine that includes zippers isn't until next week. By that time, I will have finished the dress, daughter will say she hates it, and we'll have to go shopping to buy something that will probably be overpriced and ill-fitting. No optimism here!!


Jeannelle said...

I'm very impressed to hear of anyone taking on making a fancy dress these days with those flimsy, slippery fabrics that are in style! Good for you! I'm wondering what color it is. I hope it turns out well and your daughter pleased. What a nice memory for her to have, too.....that mom made her Homecoming dress!

Nancy said...

Jeanelle-The dress turned out well and she will wear it, yeah!! It's a pretty shade of light blue. For some reason, some of my comments haven't been showing up on your blog, I'll have to see what I'm doing wrong.