Sunday, October 12, 2008

Leaf Therapy

The fall colors are at their peak right now here in southeast Minnesota. This one red leaf outside my back door caught my eye. I wonder if the rest of the vine will turn red too or just this one brave little leaf. Yesterday I bagged 5 huge bags of leaves, but with today's strong winds you can't tell. I find it rather therapeutic to rake leaves. You can always tell what you've accomplished, having a clear lawn and bags of leaves to show for it, but it takes no real mental effort, so the mind can wander to other things. I was teasing SD, that I came up with a theme for her grad party. I'm really getting ahead of myself with that one since I should be thinking about TB's confirmation in a couple of weeks. Besides that no one really has a theme for their grad party. I was thinking more of her invitations and something to do with rock-climbing. Last night at dinner we were throwing around some ideas...Scaling New Heights...Climbing Towards the Future...etc. etc. Any other ideas? After dinner we went to a choral concert and really enjoyed it. Our favorite piece was "Agnus Dei" arranged by Barber if you're familiar with it. It was really beautiful, especially with the strings accompanying it.


Russell said...

I like this leaf! Yes, it is getting to be fall, isn't it? Here in central Iowa we have had rain most of the day, but it just stopped for a while now tonight.

Seems like people feel they need to drive somewhere to see the leaves. People in this area drive to the Mississippi River or into Wisconsin or Minnesota. It is beautiful in those areas, but there is beauty in every area.

Take care!

Jeannelle said...

Yes....lovely leaf! It looks like its a Virginia Creeper vine like we have around here that are so red this fall.

You have confirmation in the fall? Ours is always on Palm Sunday. And, you really are thinking ahead to be planning for graduation already, but that is good!