Saturday, December 27, 2008

An Extra Day

We expected to spend about 6 hours on the road today on the way to and from Iowa to celebrate Christmas with DH's family. The icy weather in Iowa prevented the trip, so here we are at home with a free day and no plans for anyone. Nice, Huh? DH and I have been working a little on the remainder of the cleanup from our broken pipe incident of earlier in the week. The kids have been doing various things and are talking about getting together with friends later. Later tonight, I expect we might dive into the giant cheese ball that I made to take along today and probably have a glass of wine and maybe get into the hot tub to soak my back which is still bothering me. All in all I think it will be a pretty nice day. We had temps in the 40's most of the day yesterday, so it was nice to have the streets melted off and the sidewalk and driveway cleared of ice again. We have snow predicted tonight, but that's okay with me.
I read an interesting post from a blogger named Lisa about New Year's resolutions. Will you be making any this year? I usually do, sometimes I make the "I'm going to change all of my bad habits at once" type of resolutions. Last year DH and I resolved to lose weight. We both did lose quite a bit and I'm still down 25 lbs. from where I was last Jan. 2. We'd both like to lose a little more, so I'm sure that will be on the list. I'd also like to come up with something else in the realm of self-improvement that is specific and attainable. I'll let you know Jan. 1.

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Sorry to hear you couldn't travel to Iowa today, but its good to avoid bad road conditions. That's why my daughter and son-in-law are still here, too.

I think you had warmer temps today than we did. Our sidewalks and farmyard, and even the grass, have been slippery all day. My son-in-law went out to look for Izzy and he slipped and fell down on his shoulder. Nothing broken, thankfully.

The cheese ball, wine and a warm soak sound really good. So does weighing 25 lbs. less than last year......good for you!