Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Okay, so this is going to be kind of a weird post, but here goes...I know I'm not the only one to write about dreams they've had. Anyway, the other morning I had this dream that our dog Sammy, who happens to be a boy, had four puppies. They looked very much like the ones in the top picture. It made me remember how cute Sammy was when he was a puppy. We got him when he was about 8 weeks old and looked like the other two puppies in the picture above. Let me tell you, there is no window shopping when you go looking at puppies with three little kids. How could anyone resist such a cute little puppy? We've had Sammy for more than 11 years now and although he's showing signs of age, he's basically doing okay. What made me think he would have puppies is beyond me and I know my Biology enough to know it's impossible. DH said I hope you're not thinking about getting a puppy to which I replied "No Way!". Sammy will be our one and only dog I think and when he's gone that will be that.
I had to get up early this morning to take TB to take his driving test. He passed and now is a licensed driver! I'm happy he passed on the first try and he will be able to drive himself to some of his baseball practices.

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Congrats to your son on getting his driver's license! May he always drive safely!

Its fun to hear about dreams people have. And, what a funny one you had here. Hmm....what could it mean? A male dog having puppies? Hmm. I don't know. Maybe Sammy will provide you with something new in some other way. Eventually, your dream will probably make some sort of sense.