Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Squirrel on the Loose

Finally something blogworthy; a squirrel has taken up residency in our basement fireplace for the last few days. I hope that it is not making itself too much at home or planning on raising a family within the walls of my home. I'm a little nervous about the amount of insulation that is showing up in the fire box. I'm envisioning the thing burrowing around within the walls of our house. Anyway, DH went to animal control today and borrowed a live trap so we can do a catch and release. This has happened about 4-5 other times since we lived in the house, so we've been through it before. We had a chimney sweep come, but even he wouldn't go up to put a screen on our abnormally high chimney. The first two times we actually had an animal control officer come to the house to take out the squirrel. The guy we had the second time wasn't too bright and got bit in the process nearly releasing the little offender into the house. Apparently they keep a record of these things, so lately we've been taking care of it ourselves. I hope to post a picture of the captured squirrel very very soon!!!

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Oh, sounds funny...sorry...good luck capturing the squirrel. My mom has a friend who found a squirrel nest in a dresser drawer in her basement. It was full of nuts! Hilarious! Poor little critters just want a warm, dry place to live, that's all. I hope you do get a picture.