Monday, April 13, 2009

A lovely Easter and other musings

It was a nice weekend and today I'm feeling very thankful in many ways.
*We got together with good friends Saturday night to celebrate our oldest sons' mutual birthday. They'll both be 20 on Wednesday. Our middle children are dating each other as well as the fact that we as parents are friends also. I appreciate how all of this works and that our boys are growing up to be nice young men.
*SD and I went shopping on Saturday afternoon and had a lot of fun together. We don't have a lot of money to spend, so we hit some of the second hand and discount stores and split the cost of her clothes. I appreciate that she is willing to shop with her mom, at used clothing places and has sense about what to buy and what looks good on her. My only purchase was a scarf to dress up an old pants suit for Easter, but I was okay with that.
*We had a delightful Easter Sunday. We attended the two later Easter services at our church where we played in the bell choir (SD and I) and sang with the vocal choir (DH and I). TB helped with the continental breakfast between services. Our musical pieces turned out well for the most part and we had a nice thank you e-mail from our director this morning saying how many nice comments he had as well as how it was a blessing for people in the congregation to hear our music. I thought it was really nice of him to pass along that thanks. It was one of those times that it was good to hear the sermon twice as I think I got more out of it.
*After we got home we had a late lunch of an egg roll recipe I love and I watched part of the Master's golf tournament. DH made supper of beef kabobs and homemade pasta before we had to take CS back to college. I made some cupcakes while DH was grilling the kabobs for CS to share with his friends once he gets back to school.

I thought I would share this recipe-it's quite easy, but yet kind of fancy and I've served it several times for brunch along with fruit and pastries.

Yummy Egg Roll

4oz. Cream Cheese, softened

¾ c. Milk

2T. Flour


Beat above in a small bowl

Add to 12 eggs beaten

Grease a jelly roll pan, line with parchment. Spray or grease parchment, pour in egg mixture. Bake at 375 for 20-30 minutes until puffy and golden. Remove, spread center with 2 T. or more of Dijon mustard, 2 c. minced ham, 1c. cheddar cheese (shredded), ½ c. chopped green onions, chives, or finely chopped onions; cover with 1 more cup cheddar. Roll up by lifting one side of the parchment and then the other and turn it seam side down, remove parchment, sprinkle with ¼ c. cheddar. Bake a little longer till cheese is melted and center has had time to warm- anywhere from 5-15 minutes.

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Mmm....the eggroll recipe sounds very good! I've never made one but may have to try this. Thanks for including it in your post.

Sounds like you had a pleasant Easter. It is nice to hear positive feedback on a choir number, that was nice of your director to send emails.

A scarf is a great way to spruce up an outfit! Its a fun challenge to shop like you did....and often more fun than shopping at regular stores. Nice that you are passing the habit on to your daughter!

Today I've been catching up on the mountain of laundry I ignored before Easter.