Saturday, April 4, 2009


Boy am I ever out of shape from sitting around all winter. Today was fairly nice, and there's a big storm in the forecast for later this weekend, so I thought I 'd better get some yardwork done. I spent about 2 1/2 hours raking the yard and I'm totally pooped! TB helped for a little while, very begrudgingly I might add. 16 year olds just don't see the point in raking the leaves and dead grass up from the yard. I have a ton of work left to do throughout the spring, so I guess it's a good thing I got started. I'm considering focusing on a small area at a time and trying to get a little done each morning before I go to work. That's my intention every year, but it doesn't happen too often since I'm not much of a morning person.
In my continual quest to save money, I started some flowers from seed this last week. I got a little "professional greenhouse" that holds 72 little seedlings. I planted my seeds, so now I'll just have to wait and see if anything happens. I figure if a few of them actually grow to a point I can use them outside, I'll have saved a lot of money, so we'll see. I'll post a picture when they sprout and you'll see why "professional greenhouse" is a massive exaggeration.

1 comment:

Jeannelle said...

Yes, do post a photo of the "greenhouse", it sounds like a good idea. You must have a sunny window to put it by, or does it sit outdoors?? I sometimes wish we had small greenhouse building to grow plants in.