Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blogging Is Hard Work

I'm not doing so well with the blog, but not quite ready to throw in the towel. School starts next week, so I'll be back in a regular routine and perhaps have some time to blog without someone reading over my shoulder. I like to keep my blogging private from everyone in my non-blog life. My family knows I have a blog, but I don't want them to read it. I don't know why this is, but it feels like a private journal to me. The idea of complete strangers reading however is okay? Does this seem strange to anyone else? For now, I'm keeping the names of my family private and not showing identifying pictures or giving information that could lead to people showing up on my doorstep. I'd be interested to know how other bloggers decided when or if to post pictures of their family members or themselves. I do enjoy seeing pictures of other's children and it seems that some bloggers have formed close friendships, so I know there are benefits both ways. My other issue is the learning curve. Right now it seems to take forever to get something with a current picture posted. I know I just need to take the time to learn the best way with my camera and computer, but it all takes sooo much time. I know there's got to be an easier way because some of the bloggers I read have newborns and post multiple times a day. How is it that they have time for that? It used to take me all day to get my teeth brushed when my kids were babies. Here's the other thing--comments. I can tell that I'm not alone in loving comments and now that they've dropped off I don't even care as much about writing. There is a catch-22 there I know, because if I'm not blogging I won't get anymore comments. Maybe I will write myself some comments in a weird self-talk kind of therapy. :)


Nancy said...

You're a great blogger, keep at it and don't forget to post something interesting once in a while. Hehehe I crack myself up sometimes.

Russell said...

Looks like you are doing great! This is the first time I have had a chance to visit your blog and it is enjoyable to read - so stay with it!

Yes, blogging is a rather private matter we share with the rest of the world - but not especially with those people closest to us in real life. I guess it is similar to journaling and a way to express thoughts, feelings, frustrations and opinions freely without feeling overly self concious.

I have written about topics and said things I would never say in my real life, if that makes sense.

For example, I just did a post yesterday about people who do stupid things and I included a cartoon that actually used a pretty, well, severe word or reference. Now I would never do that in my real life!! But on a blog I can and it seems okay. Well, I don't want to get carried away (!) but I guess I can express myself a bit more openly in this forum than if I were sitting down visiting with you or someone else in person.

So, keep blogging! I will stop back to visit! Thanks for visiting mine!

Liz Hinds said...

Well I have to agree with nancy: you're a great blogger, nancy. Don't beat yourself up. Just write when you want and visit when you can.

I write about everything and show photos of everyone. If anyone wnated to they could easily work out who I am and where i live. Oh yes and I use my full real name!!

I do censor what i write sometimes as I know my boss reads my blog on an occasional basis!

I agree with russell too: I am more myself on my blog than I can be in real life.

Now george has gone a'wandering so i'd better check out where he is ...

Jeannelle said...

You bring up some very good points about blogging. I, too, tend to not tell many people that I blog. My sisters know, and one reads it. My mom knows, but she's scared of the internet, so she stays away. I told a couple other people, but then I feel stupid because I told them, so I don't tell people anymore.

When I first started blogging, I intended to stay very anonymous, but over time and after getting used to reading other blogs where family photos are posted openly and real names are used, I've loosened up a bit.

Guess real name is Lois. "Jeannelle" comes from my middle name (or maybe I told you that already.....memory is sometimes bad on that). I have posted a few pics of my daughters, and my mother, but not their names.

I hope you can figure out an easy way to post photos.....that really makes blogging more fun, I think. I have a memory card reader and it transfers photos really fast from the memory card to the computer. It was very inexpensive....less than $20. I can take a photo outdoors and run in the house and have it on the blog in five minutes, if I wish. We have a scanner, too, which is fun for copying old photos onto the blog.

But, even if you don't post photos, writing your thoughts on the blog is a good thing!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! You three are awesome bloggers I aspire to emulate.